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Botany Bay Panorama
Botany Bay

I have been doing Panoramas for the last months, very nontechnically just on a regular tripod and sometimes if the light is good, hand held. This is a big no no with Panoheads and for a real Panorama a Panorama head is the optimal way to go. They are often more expensive than the average tripod so I´ll wait a while with that purchase.
Panoramas are fun and I see potential for exciting things in conjunction with strobes and people.

Port Renfrew Panorama
Port Renfrew

For one thing Panoramas offer a very large file, which is very good if a project needs to be printed Xtra Large. Another perk with Panoramas is how you can give a truer portrayal of a place. More alike what our eye can see in conjunction with our senses and peripheral vision.

Written by snorrigunnarsson

January 13, 2008 at 12:21 am